*Teaching Children for the Lord*Deuteronomy 6:5-9*



* The attitude and motive of our heart as Wives, Mothers and Keepers of the Home is very important *

"And whatever ye do, do it heartily as unto God and not unto men, knowing that of God ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance; for ye serve Christ." Colossians 3:23 & 24


Friday, May 28, 2010


1. First & foremost, love your child. Self-esteem is a valuable
Commodity. A few kind words or a simple hug from you as your
Children are growing up could save thousands of dollars in therapy
Bills down the road.

2. It is essential to the continued good health &well-being of any
Parent to cultivate a possitive outlook as much as possible. No, I
Don't mean running out &joining the Barney fan club. What I mean is
That it is important to welcome every good thing that comes into
Your life, so that as you show gratitude, your child learns to
Likewise develop gratitude. You can't expect your child to develop
Such things without first learning them from you.

3. As a parent, you have incredible power &influence in shaping the
Life &attitudes of your child. Its a big responsibility. Being a
Parent is a task &obligation that defines us, our role, &our
Community from that point onward. Parents shape the future through
Their children. Think about what you teach your child, the words you
Use around them, &the way you respond to their needs &demands.

4. Be fair, honest, &open in how you treat your child. No good comes
From lying to your children. Attempting to teach your child the
Concepts of honor, integrity, &honesty will force you to adhere to
These same things. If that doesn't teach you some humility, nothing

5. The best thing about being a parent is that you get to do all the
Things you wish you could have done as a kid, &in a way you can heal
You own inner child.

6. I do not preach to my child. I dislike proselytizing, &will not
Condone it in my home. I raise my child to be tolerant of other
Religions. I encourage my child to think for herself, to make up her
Own mind, &to feel free to discuss or question anything. If I can't
Explain to her that I need to get some sleep so I can go to work in
The morning, how am I going to explain such things as manners,
Bounderies, spirituality, or (eventually) sexuality to her? I see my
Child developing in leaps &bounds &going places I could never have
Gone at her age. Watching her grow has given me a renewed
&deepenedrespect &reverance for the way life works.

7. Laugh &play with your children. Be part of their fun. It will
Strengthen your bond &it can heal a lot of the grimness &hardness we
All accumulate over the years. Your kids can teach you a lot about
How to be happy, to reconnect with the child-self within all of us
&how to make life special again.

8. Act responsibly &show some respect to your children. If they want
To follow in your footsteps, there's plenty of time to do things
Right. Your children don't have to be initiated to grow up within
The Craft. When &where it's appropriate, include you children.
Create your own rituals together, traditions that the whole family
Can share &take pride &pleasure in. Provide them with suitable
Activities, like seasonal crafts &decorating the house. Take this
Special time to teach your children the stories &myths, the reasons
You do what you do. Give them the chance to participate in the fun
Pagan stuff &don't make a big deal about what goes on in the circle -
- leave that for another day, when they are more mature &ready to
Deal with it in a spiritual context.

9. Always let your child know that you love them &take pride in
Them, no matter what. The three most powerful magic words in the
English language are "I love you." Don't be afraid to use them on
Your kids frequently.

10. You're human &make mistakes. WE all know this. Make sure that
Your children know this, too. That way they'll know its ok for them
To make mistakes, &then they won't have to watch as you fall off of
That pedestal they might have built for you. Their expectations are
Shaped in response to your own. Cut them a little more slack than
You do yourself. They haven't made all the same choices you have,
&they may see things differently than you do.

11. Empower your kids. Teach them how to get things done. As they
Get older, show them how to do things for themselves. Learning how
To cook or help to so the laundry can cultivate problem-solving
Skills better than practically anything else. After a few domestic
Training sessions, you'll find the shared context useful in
Explaining all manner of things to them down the road.

12. Encourage your children to read, first by reading to them, then
by having them read to you. One of the most powerful &important acts
of magic in literacy. This is a very important gift to give your
child, &one that will enrich &enhance their life.

13. Listen to your children. They can sometimes teach you a great
deal about things you probably have been taking for granted for a
long time. Just remember that you're the parent &it's up to you to
set the limits &boundaries for you children, not the other way
around. Give them their say, but the final decision is yours.

GOT THIS FROM: Michele from HomesteadBlogger


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